Mr. Laneau, first and foremost we would like to thank you for your business! After reading your review, we are so sorry you feel as though you have had such a bad experience with our facility. We do take great pride in all of the work we do here at FCR so I would like to address your concerns.
You dropped your vehicle off to our facility on February 17th, 2020. We promptly had your vehicle disassembled, a damage analysis prepared and an additional supplement called into your insurance company, by February 21st, 2020 to be exact. When the appraiser from your company came out to do the supplemental inspection, they made the call to total your vehicle, not us. On your behalf, we wrote the damages up as we saw them and exactly how they needed to be performed.
As always, our main objective is to repair any vehicle in our shop using the proper manufacturer guidelines while utilizing the best materials available. We also take such great pride in the work we do here that we are confident in our ability to offer a limited lifetime warranty on all repairs. After going back and forth with your insurance company on your behalf in an attempt to save your vehicle from being totaled, we received the supplement from your insurance company to repair your vehicle on February 28th, 2020. We in turn contacted you the next business day, March 2nd, 2020, and broke down the job hours and asked your approval to proceed, to which you responded the next day with your approval to proceed with the repairs. By March 20th, 2020 the body work was completed and your vehicle was moved over to the prep department.
By the close of the following week your vehicle had been sanded, blocked and primed and was ready to be put into the refinish department to be masked up and painted. The issue we ran into this week was the stipulations that Governor Baker implemented with his stay at home order due to COVID-19. Our facility was shut down for the next three weeks for the safety, health and well-being of our employees and customers, until April 20th, 2020, to which we resumed the process on your truck immediately. Your vehicle was then painted, reassembled, buffed and detailed prior to you picking it up on May 7th, 2020.
In regards to the actual repair work that needed to be done to your vehicle, the assumption that your vehicle had light scratches is a misconception as well as the statement the truck was “mint”. The scratches due to the vandalism on your truck went deep through all three layers of material on each panel, meaning we had to re-apply the epoxy primer that bonds to the metal, then the filler primer to bridge the gap created by the removal of the gouges, and then of course the color layer and clear coat application during the refinish process.
There were also many small and large dents on your “mint” truck that had to be addressed along with some rust that you declined to have repaired when offered by our techs, which I believe you took a picture of and posted stating that the damage was incurred while the truck was here at our facility. We have provided a link to show the dents and condition of the truck prior to commencement of repairs, and the process we undertake with our method of repair, which is unlike most shops.
As you can see in the attached photos in this response, all the damage in which you stated we did to your vehicle was existing in the photos upon check in of your vehicle. We want to duplicate the way the vehicles are painted with nothing on the panels, similar to the way they are painted when on an assembly line at the original equipment manufacturer. This means all ornamentation is removed; lights, bumpers, moldings, emblems, doors, weather strips, etc. to ensure the entirety of the panel is enveloped in material. These extensive repairs were required on every panel except your roof.
We have repaired hundreds of vandalism claims over the 40 years we have been in business and the act of vandalism displayed in the deep scratches on your vehicle shows that someone has some deep contempt for you; the upside is the repairs and paint work we performed on your vehicle will allow for someone to take a considerably larger amount of anger out in order to get through the paint.
The customer base we have had for over 40 years know the quality we produce, and we have the awards and certifications to back up our expertise. We will continue to provide the best product and advocate for our clients with their insurers to get the best repair possible. I don’t apologize for our way of repairing vehicles and we will most certainly continue on as we have to provide the best repairs we can to our loyal customers.
I will confidently put my shop up against any other shop in the area to prove our utmost quality and dedication to what we do here. We’re not the fastest and not the cheapest; but we’ll leave that to the cut-rate shops that you seem to be recommending.
Like the saying goes, unfortunately you can’t please everyone. We try our hardest and I stand by our staff completely. If you would like to go over any other issues you may have, I have no problem in trying to assist you in resolving them. Again, we just want to thank you for your business and hope we can get all of your concerns addressed.
Rob DelGallo
Factory Collision & Restoration
Image 9931: check in photo of left taillight cracked and scratched as you can see by the condensation.
Image 9933: check in photo of right taillight cracked and scratched as you can see by condensation.
Image 9938: check in photo of light scratches on passenger side window. (far left light scratches)
Image 2389: Passenger side sanded and repaired.
Image 2393: Drivers side sanded and repaired.
Image 2716: Passenger side repairs epoxy primed in paint booth.
Image 2721: Drivers side repairs epoxy primed in paint booth.
Image 2726: Passenger side primed in paint booth before refinishing.
Image 2728: Drivers side primed in paint booth before refinishing.
Image 3568: Drivers side painted apart in booth.
Image 3575: Doors and bed painted apart in booth.
Image 3578: Passenger side painted apart in booth.
Images 4304, 4305, 4306, 4309: Completion photos of all four corners of the vehicle.