What Is Steering?

Steering is the act of an Insurance Company, Adjuster, or Appraiser directing a claimant to or away from a specific auto body repair shop. Steering is ILLEGAL in Massachusetts (see Massachusetts General Laws Ch. 26 section 8G) but unfortunately it still happens. Read...

Storage Issues

With a first party claim, the insured is requesting reimbursement from his/ her own insurance carrier. The types of claims paid and respective amounts paid are detailed on the insured’s coverage selection page. These claims are governed by the Massachusetts Automobile...

Car Rental Regulations

The Massachusetts Division of Insurance has determined that “there is no minimum or maximum per day dollar limit” a party is entitled to collect in a rental claim. Under Part 4 of the Massachusetts Automobile Insurance Policy “The insurance company...


In any instance where a lien arises under this section for charges due that are to be paid or reimbursed by an insurance company licensed in the commonwealth, upon written notice by the holder of such lien to the insurance company, the check or draft issued by such...